Deposit Accounts
We have a variety of deposit accounts available to you. For your convenience you can click on the Impact Bank deposit application and apply today!
Regular Savings
Our tried and true plan allows you to continually compound your savings, and your money is available at all times.
Click here to apply for an Impact Bank Savings account today!
Certificates of Deposit
Impact Bank offers a wide variety of CD options for customers. The amount of interest paid on a certificate of deposit is dependent upon the time length of the CD.
Johnny Appleseed Savings Club
Start your children off with a Johnny Appleseed Savings account and teach them a habit that will last a lifetime. Click here to apply for a Johnny Appleseed Savings account today!
Secret Savings Plan
In preparation for vacation, Christmas, birthday, graduation expenses or other items, we can help you with a plan for periodic deposits. Our "Secret Savings" plan is compounded and paid annually.
Click here to apply for an Impact Bank Secret Savings account today!
Individual Retirement Account
Our personal, tax-sheltered retirement plans are for anyone with earned income. Your deposits may be tax-deductible in your savings program, and your earnings accumulate tax-deferred until retirement. Your IRA account can be set up as a money market account, in a certificate of deposit, or as a self-directed account.